New board announced for Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
Earlier this week, the provincial government announced new appointments to the board of directors for the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation:
- Mabel Hamilton, board chair — primary producer, Innisfail
- Rodney Bradshaw — primary producer, Red Deer County
- Renata Colic — finance and investor relations, Calgary
- Trevor MacLean — agriculture business consultant, Okotoks
- Chioma Ufodike — forensic accountant, Calgary
Already on the board are Gerald Bouma and Kiren Singh.
The AFSC is a Crown corporation that provides loans, crop insurance, and disaster assistance to Alberta farmers.
Renata Colic is the chief financial officer of Canoe Financial LP, which donated $5,000 in 2017 to the Alberta Advantage Fund, a political action committee which helped fund the formation of the United Conservative Party, as well as the election of Jason Kenney as leader of that party. They also donated $20,000 in 2018 to Shaping Alberta’s Future, another PAC formed to promote the UCP. The board chair for Canoe Financial is Brett Wilson, who himself has donated over $16,000 to conservative parties.
Chioma Ufodike is the manager of trust safety with the Law Society of Alberta. Her spouse, Akolisa Ufodike, is an assistant professor with MacEwan University, and he donated $1,000 to Teresa Woo-Paw ‘s PC campaign in 2015.
Trevor MacLean is a senior advisor with MNP’s Agriculture team in Lethbridge. His wife, Susan, donated $335 to the NDP party in 2019.
Rodney Bradshaw owns Beck Farms, which specializes in carrot growing.
Gerald Bouma, also known as Jerry, is a partner with Toma & Bouma Management Consultants. He donated $500 to Jim Prentice’s PC leadership campaign in 2014, $375 to the PC party in 2014, and a $375 campaign donation to the PCs during the 2015 election.
Kiren Singh is a chartered financial analyst and corporate director, most recently with Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems, as their finance and risk committee chair. Gibson Energy, where she was vice president of risk management, as well as treasurer, donated over $12,000 to the PC party during her first 3 years there. They donated to the party for 8 years prior to her arrival, too.
Mabel Hamilton runs Belvin Angus Ltd in Innisfail.
Originally published at on 17 April 2020.