UCP appoints former finance minister to Lakeland College board of governors
Yesterday, the Government of Alberta announced 4 individuals as the newest members of the board of governors for Lakeland College in Vermilion.
- Brent Fischer
- Jessica Kelly
- Lloyd Snelgrove
- Adam Waterman
Brent Fischer is a farmer who operates a mixed grain and cattle operation near Irma, Alberta. In 2018, he donated $500 to the United Conservative Party and $500 to the Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright UCP constituency association. his spouse, Beret, donated $200 to the UCP last year during the election campaign as well as $200 to the local constituency association.
Jessica Kelly is a lawyer with PSM Lawyers in Lloydminster.
Lloyd Snelgrove was a PC MLA for the Vermilion-Lloydminster between 2001 and 2012. He served as finance minister under Ed Stelmach. He donated $500 to Danny Hozack ‘s Wildrose campaign during the 2015 provincial election. His father, Robert, who also lived in Vermilion, donated nearly $3,000 to the Wildrose Party between 2013 and 2015. His sister-in-law Karen donated $450 to the Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright UCP constituency association last year.
Adam Waterman is a mechanical engineer currently employed as Service Rig Coordinator with Baytex Energy Corp. in Lloydminster. Last year, he donated $450 to the Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright UCP constituency association.
Originally published at kimsiever.ca on 14 May 2020.